Punjab Summer Vacations 2024 Announced for Schools

The Punjab Government has officially declared the summer vacation schedule for 2024, affecting both public and private schools across the province. As temperatures surge in Punjab, the Education Minister has announced the duration of the summer vacation, mirroring previous years’ patterns. In thy teachers will assign homework to students of summer vacation.

Punjab Summer Vacations 2024 Announced

Following tradition, the summer recess in Punjab is slated to commence in June and extend through August, coinciding with temperatures surpassing 40 degrees Celsius. Weather projections for May 2024 indicate a rise to 39°C, with expectations of exceeding 40°C in June 2024. The government has scheduled summer vacation 2024 on 7th June 2024 to 19th August 2024.

Summer Vacation Notification Punjab

According to the Education Minister, the summer vacation is slated to commence on June 7, 2024, and conclude on August 19, 2024. Formal communication from the Education Department is expected in the forthcoming weeks to confirm these dates.


Summer vacations Dates in Punjab Pakistan

Prior warnings from the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) have highlighted the potential for extreme temperatures, with projections suggesting a peak of 49.5 degrees Celsius in June. Furthermore, August may experience temperatures soaring to a high of 48.63 degrees Celsius.

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